Picnic Turns Violent: Man Attacked with Sharp Weapon in Krishnagar

Debkumar Roy, son of Avash Roy, residing in Krishnagar Dakshinpara, filed a complaint alleging a brutal attack during a picnic on April 11th, 2024. Roy detailed that while engaged in leisure at Sukhen Biswas’ mango garden in Krishnagar Dakshinpara, Arun Mondal, son of Khagen Mondal from Radhanagar Mathpara, Palashipara, suddenly assaulted him with a sharp cutting “daw” on the head, seemingly with intent to kill.

In a bid to aid Roy, Pralay Mondal intervened but was also targeted by the assailant with a sharp object. As the situation escalated, Mondal fled the scene after issuing threats. Both Roy and Pralay Mondal sustained injuries and were promptly treated at Palashipara Hospital.